Application Emails - Trigger Points

The ATS has many trigger points where email communications are sent from the system to both candidates and recruiters, this article will cover the trigger points and where the email content can be managed.

Application Related Emails

When candidates are processed through the application journey there will be a number of emails that will typically be used. Below we will cover each email and the trigger points on when each email is sent. Most emails can be viewed or customised, in the Email Manager section under Platform Configuration in the Manage Tool.

Please Note. If you use email packs, the email content may vary between jobs. 

Application Complete

When a candidate completes their application, and it has been submitted they will receive the 'Application Complete' email. This can be found and customised in the Manage Tool.

Interview Emails

We have a total of 10 interview emails for candidates alone, although this may seem like a lot, these emails cover both interview invitation emails and interview confirmation emails. 

  • Interview Confirmation Emails - When a recruiter books a candidate into an interview slot one of the following emails are sent, the specific email depends on the interview stage which the candidate has been booked into. 

    • Interview Booking - Stage 1
    • Interview Booking - Stage 2
    • Interview Booking - Stage 3
    • Interview Booking - Stage 4
    • Interview Booking - Stage 5
  • Interview Invitation Emails - When a recruiter invites a candidate to book an interview slot one of the following emails are sent, again, the specific email depends on the interview stage which the candidate has been booked into. 

    • Interview Invitation - Stage 1
    • Interview Invitation - Stage 2
    • Interview Invitation - Stage 3
    • Interview Invitation - Stage 4
    • Interview Invitation - Stage 5

If you do invite a candidate to book an interview, once a slot has been booked they will receive the email called 'Candidate confirmation on booking interview slot'

Other Interview Emails 

There are a few other emails linked to interviews which you should be aware of, these are all customisable in the Manage Tool. 

    • Invite Reminder - A reminder sent to a candidate who is yet to book their interview 
    • Candidate confirmation on re-booking interview slot - An email that is sent to all involved when a candidate changes their interview. 
    • Notification for HM when candidate books an interview slot - Notifies interview attendees when a candidate books an interview

Offer Emails

When a candidate is moved to the offered stage, one of the following emails will be triggered

    • Offer - This email is used when progressing a candidate in the standard way to the offered stage
    • Offer with contract - This is used if you offer your candidate a job & generate a contract at the same time, using the offer extended process in the system.
    • Offer with contract to Hiring Manager - When a offer has been sent with a contract the Hiring Manager will receive this email.

If a candidate has not accepted their offer we do send a reminder, this email is called 'Offer Reminder'


We have an email template for emails that are sent to candidates when they are either marked as accepted or hired. These are called 'Accepted' and 'Hire Candidate'


If you make use of our onboarding modules, the following emails will be something you may want to get familiar with.  

When onboarding is triggered against an application the following automated emails are used. 

    • Onboarding Workflow Invitation for Candidates - This email is sent to the candidate when a workflow has been assigned to them
    • Onboarding Workflow Invitation for Managers/Admins - This email is triggered when a workflow has been assigned to a recruiter/manager
    • Onboarding Referee Invitation - This email is sent to a referee when a reference check is requested.

We also have onboarding reminders, these can be configured and set up on the onboarding packages in the ATS

Rejection and Withdrawal Emails 

When rejecting or withdrawing an application from a job we have the following default emails

    • Default rejection - This is the default rejection email template that is used if a rejection reason has not been selected
    • Default withdraw - This is the default withdrawal email template that is used if a reason for withdrawal has not been selected
    • Application rejection in Interview - This is the default rejection email template that is used for any candidate being rejected from the interview stage. 

When selecting a reason for reject/withdrawal, the email content may change to match the email template to the reason. However, this is permission based.