Insights - FAQs

This page will provide answers to some of the most frequent questions we are asked in relation to the reporting suite

Q. Why is my report timing out when I try to download it?

Sometimes if you are trying to download a large amount of data from insights, this may time out.  You can either try using a shorter date range, or try scheduling the report to run using the save/schedule function.

Q. What does it mean when a candidate's source is blank or showing as unknown? 

If we are unable to provide a candidates source, this can either be shown on the report as 'unknown' or be left empty. This is usually due to the browser the user is using; some block cookies, some don’t execute scripts, some hide all referral data and more.  Sometimes it’s due to the data reported by the device, hiding information. This can also be caused by Ad blocks.

Q. What are my login details for Insights?

Your login details for Insights will be the same as your ATS credentials.

Q. Can I reset my 2FA for Insights?

This is not something you can do for yourself, however, if you raise a request to the Tribepad Helpdesk, the team can reset this for you. 

Q. My report shows bank details as encrypted

This is correct, bank details can only be decrypted via an export.

Q. Can you delete my report?

You can do this via the Insights platform under “personal reports”.