Jobs - Urgency Report

What can this report do for you?

This report highlights jobs where there are outstanding applications that haven’t been completed yet.  

It shows details of the specific job and when it is due to expire:

This is useful if you have an expiry date coming up and would like to make sure you have as many completed and submitted applications as possible. 


You will notice that the report does not allow you to select quick-date ranges at the top of the screen:

This is because the report is showing you what is due to expire in the near future and is not reporting on historical data. 


If you scroll to the right of the report, you can see details of the candidates that may wish to complete their application:

If the candidate has opted into specific communication preferences when they registered on your ATS, you could contact them to remind them they have an outstanding application and invite them to complete it. 


By default, this report only shows details for jobs which were open in the last 3 months



Drilling down on reports

You can also drill down to provide more information on any report that has a blue hyperlink. 

In the example above you can see the Job Reference section that it is highlighted in blue:

If you click on this it will provide a more in-depth look at the job's statistics.