Learn where to check for scheduled interviews.
There are 3 different ways to check when interviews have been scheduled for.
The Calendar
- Select 'Jobs' from the top navigation bar.
- Select 'Calendar'.
You will be presented with this screen.
- Select 'Events Type'.
- Deselect all check boxes apart from the Interview check box.
This allows you to scroll down the dates on the right-hand side of the screen to gain a view of interviews that have been scheduled.
- Select the job title to see the candidate details.
The Dashboard
- Select 'Dashboard' from the top navigation bar.
- Scroll down the different Widgets to the 'Interview Widget'.
Any scheduled interviews will appear here, you can use the filters to look at interviews for specific jobs.
- Select the candidate name to navigate to the candidate profile.
- Select the job title to navigate to the job view.
- Select the Edit icon to navigate to the interview slots page.
Interview Slots page
- Select to edit a job.
- Select 'Interview Slots' from the job editor.
If interviews have been scheduled they will appear here:
Use the filters at the top of the screen to view the relevant interviews:
- Select the number next to the word 'Booked' to navigate to the candidate and interview details.