ATS - LinkedIn Importer

How to set up your LinkedIn Importer

The LinkedIn importer is a Chrome extension that allows you to 'scrape’ candidate information from LinkedIn and import it into the ATS. The candidate will be created as a passive candidate so they will receive the "passive candidate email" which will enable them to agree to Terms and Conditions etc.

As with the current passive candidate process, a candidate can be auto-applied to a role or just brought into the talent bank. 


Setting up your extension: 

Before being able to use the Linkedin Extention, please speak to a member of the Account Management team. They will raise a ticket to produce you with the information needed in the settings section (see below). 


Downloading and Installing the Chrome extension: 

Firstly, you will need to navigate to the chrome website using the following link:

Chrome Web Store


Then you will be presented with 'Tribepad Importer', click on this, select the Tribepad icon and then select "Add to Chrome".

You will see a pop-up window to verify if you wish to add the extension:

- Select 'Add extension'.


Another pop-up window will appear to show that the importer has now been downloaded:


The importer is now accessible through your extensions page at the top right-hand side of your browser (Jigsaw puzzle icon). 


Configuring the extension: 

Here you will need credentials from your Account Manager to enable you to set up the Importer.


1. Click on the jigsaw icon on the top right of the Chrome page and the select the Tribepad Importer extension


2. Click on 'Options' and then you will be presented with the below proforma to fill in. 

Please note: if you have not been provided with these you will not be able to configure the extension. Please contact the relevant department whom you requested the information from. 


Select 'Validate' once you have entered the relevant details:

Tick the tickbox to acknowledge terms and conditions of use:


3. Once you have ticked to acknowledge, click 'Save changes' and your extension should now be configured and present you with the below message. 


4. When setting up the plug-in for the first time you will need to confirm the Terms and Conditions. 

Note - the details will need to be validated daily to use this extension, this is to ensure that only people with ATS accounts can log in. 


Using the extension:

Once the validation has been completed you are now ready to start importing from LinkedIn.

Once a suitable candidate has been found, open the profile and click on the Jigsaw icon in the top right-hand corner

and then click on the hand icon from the browser toolbar


You then have 2 options -

  • Search for a role to apply the candidate to
  • Create a Passive Candidate profile on your ATS for the candidate in question


Applying directly to the role:

In the extension search bar, type in the job details, this will pull through jobs related to your search.


Once a role is selected select the 'Create profile and apply to job' button.


Once complete the purple button will go green and display 'Profile created and applied!'

The candidate will have now been applied as a Passive Candidate to the role selected.


When you now refer back to your ATS looking at the relevant job, the standard Passive Candidate email will be sent to the candidate and the ‘P’ icon will appear next to their application.



Adding a candidate to Talent Search: 

This works in a similar way to adding a candidate to a role.

Instead of searching for a role, select ‘Create a candidate without applying them to a job’.

Once complete you will get a green ‘Profile created!’ notification.

If the candidate has already been added to your Talent database, you will see a yellow message: