Candidate Management - FAQs

This page will provide some answers to some of the most frequent questions we are asked in relation to Candidate Management

Q. Can I change a candidate's username? 

Yes, a candidates username can be changed, however, this can only be actioned by someone with access to the Manage Tool.

Q. Why can't a CV be deleted? 

If a CV has been uploaded as part of an application, you will be unable to delete the CV from the candiate profile. 

Q. Can a candidate's address be updated? 

Yes, this can be done by the candidate on their profile under the personal information section.

Q. How does a candidate change their communication opt-ins? 

Candidates can change their communication opt-in preferences on via the settings page on their account . How does a candidate change their communication opt-ins? 

Q. My candidate is not receiving emails? 

1. The emails may be being blocked at their side. Please ask them to check their settings, we cannot remove any blocks.

Q.I cant add a candidate to my role via invite/apply

Please check the candidates GDPR settings. They may not want to be contacted for new roles.

Q. My candidate wants to update their application

 If it has been submitted they will not be able to make any changes.

Q.I've deleted a candidate but they still appear on CV search

It is not instant, it can take up to 15 minutes

Q.Candidates cant log into their account. 

1. Are they using the correct username and password?

2. Do they have 2 accounts and logging in with the incorrect one?