
What can this report do for you?

The Redeployment report gives you information on candidates who are at risk of redundancy within your organisation.


For data to be provided in this report, it relies on the 'At Risk' tags being used on a candidate.

  • These tags are created in Manage, and place an icon on a candidate's profile on a job:

For more information on creating 'At Risk' tags in Manage, please click here.


Once a tag has been applied onto a candidate's profile, it will pull through data on the Redeployment report like this:


You may need to use the Custom Filters tab at the top of the page to enable data to be pulled through, in particular the date fields:


Columns that you will see in the report are as follows:

  • Tag name - the name of the tag that has been applied to the candidate
  • Candidate ID and Username 
  • Date Tag Applied and Removed - tags can be removed if the candidate is no longer at risk of redundancy
  • Days between Tag Apply and Hire - how long it has taken to get the candidate into an alternative role

Please note - in order to see something in this column, the candidate must be moved to the 'Hired' stage in the application journey.


Moving further across the page, you will also see the following columns:

  • Date Hired - when the candidate has been moved into the 'Hired' stage of the application journey
    • If this column is blank, the candidate has not yet been moved to 'Hired'
  • Job Reference and Type - specific details about the job the candidate has been hired against
  • Job Hierarchy Internal ID, Name and Path - if the job has been linked to a node in a hierarchy, this will be shown  in these columns
    • If these columns are blank, the job has not been linked to a node in the hierarchy

    • you are not using hierarchy in your organisation.