Disability confident symbol.

Learn how the disability confident symbol can be incorporated into your recruitment process.


The Disability Confident Symbol is a feature that allows you to flag candidates' that may have registered with a disability.

If you are interested in using this feature, please speak to the main ATS lead within your organisation.


The Disability Confident approach has been incorporated into the  ATS by enabling the option to ask candidates at the Registration stage, whether they have a disability.

If the candidate answers ‘yes’ they will be flagged with our Disability Confident symbol and will appear at the top of the candidate list against the role they have applied for.

Why use this feature?

Every business has a different internal recruitment process however one way that you may like to utilise this feature is by first identifying those candidates' that have met your initial minimum role requirements and then ensuring that you guarantee an interview to anyone that has the disability symbol assigned to their application.

There are many positive reasons for choosing to become a Disability Confident employer it shows that you are ready to engage and embrace a diverse set of potential employees’.  It also shows that you are committed to following a fair recruitment process whilst helping to break down some of the barriers that those with a disability may experience when trying to secure a job.

How does it work?

When the candidate is completing the registration process they will be asked the following question:

If the candidate's response is 'Yes' then their application will be assigned the Disability Confidence symbol and they will appear at the top of the candidate list when you view the list of applications.









The Tribepad platform has been independently tested for user accessibility by a third party and is compliant with WCAG/AAA.  Tribepad has been endorsed by Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind who confirmed it was the simplest job application process they had ever used. Tribepad has also passed BBC’s own stricter accessibility compliance tests.



The example below shows the question being asked during the Candidate Registration process.