Learn all about how your job-seekers can apply to your roles via Indeed Apply.
What is Indeed Apply?
Indeed, is a job board and Indeed Apply is a feature that allows job seekers to apply quickly using an Indeed CV or a traditional CV file.
Jobs are clearly labelled in Indeed’s search results to let job seekers know which jobs have this easy application method. Phrases used may include "Easily Apply", "Apply with your Indeed Resume", "Apply instantly", etc.
A quick google search captured in the image below.
How does it work?
The integration with Indeed is usually set up at the start of an organisation's contract with Tribepad by default (although you don't have to use it if you would prefer not to).
Tribepad will populate an XML feed that Indeed Apply call for on a daily basis (every 4 hours).
The XML feed will contain details of all jobs that appear on your career site that are marked as external and everyone (job visibility is chosen during the job creation process).
An XML feed is where a search engine is fed information from a web page (such as your organisation's career site).
If your organisation has a 'claimed company page' on Indeed or even multiple pages if you are acting as an Umbrella company, Tribepad can link the jobs on your careers site to the URL of your claimed company page.
Once the candidate has applied to a job via Indeed, the application will be shown as a 'New Application' within your ATS as normal.
The Tribepad reporting suite also contains details around the candidate source, so you will be able to identify those candidates that applied via Indeed.
For more detailed information please speak to the main ATS lead at your organisation or contact your Tribepad Account Manager.