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  2. ATS
  3. Questions & Questionnaires

Question types

Take a look at the different types of questions you can use when creating questionnaires.

There are 10 different question types for you to use in any questionnaires that you create.

  • Radio Buttons
    The respondent may select only one answer using the radio button to choose.
  • Checkbox
    The respondent may select one or even multiple options from the checkbox that has been provided.
  • Drop-down list
    The respondent is presented with a list of options and they may only select one.
  • Single Field
    A typed answer is entered into a single field, suitable for short answers.
  • Textarea 
    A typed answer is entered into a text box, suitable for long answers (multiple sentences).
  • SJT (Situational Judgement Test)
    Provide the respondent with a work-based scenario and possible solutions for them to choose from to see how they react in certain situations.
  • Referral
    Capture referrer information so that you can see if a candidate has been referred to a role you are recruiting for.  Important if you pay referral fees.
  • Grid
    Much like the SJT question type this could be used to provide the respondent with a number of choices, perhaps you need to see what shifts they may be available for.  The respondent can choose more than one option.
  • Content Box
    To provide a large amount of text, perhaps a disclaimer for the respondent to read before starting the questionnaire.
  • File Upload
    Allows the respondent to upload a file, perhaps to provide you with evidence of a qualification.


Type the question that you would like to ask into the content box.

At the top of the question box there are some icons that you can use to format the style of your question.   

You can also add in a link to direct the respondent to a website for example, a hosted image or even ask your question in a prerecorded video.


Add in the answers that you would like the respondent to choose from.  This section will look different depending on the question type you have chosen to create.


Add scores to each of the answers if you would like the respondent to stand out when you are reviewing the questionnaire.   Scoring can be used to automate actions such as auto rejecting candidates or automatically moving them to the shortlist stage.

Thumbs up and down

A thumbs up indicates that this is your preferred response.

A thumbs down indicates an incorrect answer.

Guidelines for user

Provide the respondent with any important guidelines that may help them to complete your question.

Required question

If selected the respondent will have to answer the question before moving on to the next step.

Killer question

If selected and the candidate chooses an answer with a thumbs down aligned to it, they will not complete the remainder of the questionnaire, a pop up will appear on the screen.  If the questionnaire that the question forms part of is set to automatically reject the candidate if a killer question is selected then they will move to rejected status.

Answer visible to privileged managers only

If selected, only those user types with the correct permission enabled will be able to see the responses to these types of questions.

This permission is set on a per user basis within the Manage administration tool.

Take a look at our individual articles on each question type to understand them in more detail.