This article will cover how to use the search, select, sort & filter options for candidates on your job.
Please note, some of the mentioned options may not be available to you depending on your set up.
When you have a job that has many applications the search, select, sort & filters will be a great help when processing your candidates. You are able to combine filters & sort options to make the process as efficient as possible. This article will cover all the different options that are available to you in each of these sections.
To remove any unwanted filters simply remove the option by clicking the x on the filter or sort options you want to remove.
Searching Candidates
On your job, you will see a search bar on the top right-hand side of the page. This search bar allows you to search for a specific candidate, this is particularly helpful if your job has many applications.
This search bar will allow you to search for a candidate by, first name, surname or full name.
Selecting Candidates
As well as being able to select individual candidates using the checkboxes, you also have the option to select (or deselect) multiple candidates at once, using the select drop-down.
Here you have the following options 'all on this page', 'none on this page' & 'all in this stage' and 'none in this stage'
Selecting multiple candidates can save time when performing actions in bulk on your job.
Sort by
By default, the candidates on your job will be ordered from the last modified application to the most recently modified application. However, we have a selection of different sort by options you can choose using the sort by option.

- Modified Time - As mentioned above, by default candidates are ordered by the most recently modified time, to the oldest modified time.
- Seen Candidates
- Candidates I have seen in stage - This will order the candidates to show any candidate profiles you have viewed at the top of the list.
- Candidates I haven't seen in stage - Choosing this option will order the candidates by the profiles which you have not yet viewed to appear first.
- Candidates others have seen in stage - This will order the candidates in an order that will show any candidate profiles other recruiters have viewed at the top of the list.
- Candidates others haven't seen in stage - This option will order the candidates by the profiles which other recruiters have not yet viewed to appear first.
- Onboarding Status
- Pending Workflows - Sorting by pending workflows, will order candidates with pending workflows first
- Pending Blocking Workflows - This option will sort candidates by any with pending blocking workflows first
- Completed Workflows - Selecting complete workflows, will show candidates who have completed workflows first
- Prescreening Questionnaire Score - This option will allow you to order candidates by the score of any prescreening questionnaire, from the highest to lowest score, if there are multiple prescreening questionnaires on your job, you will be able to pick which one you would like to sort by.
- Surname - This will sort candidates into alphabetical order based on their surname.
- Video Interviewing Score - A bit like the prescreening questionnaire score this will order candidates by their video interview score, this will be in the order of highest score to the lowest score.
There are many different things you may want to filter your candidates on, we will cover the available options for you below.
When clicking on the filters button on your job, all your available filters will be displayed on the screen, as per the below image.
Please remember to click 'apply filters' after selecting the filters you would like to use.
The toggles in the top of this box will allow you to filter on candidates that have completed their applications and passed any killer questions, candidates with incomplete applications or candidates who have failed a killer question. You can select one, multiple or none of these filters.
- Questionnaire filters - Here you can choose a specific questionnaire to filter on, once you have picked a questionnaire, you can then choose to select to filter candidates who have scored above or below a certain score. Alternatively, you can filter on if the candidates questionnaire is complete or incomplete.
In addition to this, there is the option to filter candidates based on answers that have been provided to a certain question by simply choosing the question you would like to filter on and corresponding answer(s). You can add multiple questions by clicking 'add another question filter'
- Skills - The skills filter is exactly that, you can select which skills you would like to filter your candidates on, you can choose one, or select multiple.
- Location filters - The location field will allow you to filter candidates based on their location, please make sure you remember to add a distance for the locations or only candidates that match your location exactly will be filtered.
- Interview Stage - This filter will allow you to filter candidates that are sat under a particular sub status. This is particularly helpful, when filtering candidates in different stages, this is a drop-down box and will show you what options you have to select from.
- Filter on completed application steps - This filter allows you to filter on the various application steps on your jobs, perhaps you would like like to filter on all candidates that completed the prescreening questionnaire, or who completed the CV upload step of the application journey? This filter will let you see exactly that. The drop-down box will allow you to pick which step of the application journey you would like to filter on, then you have the additional choice to filter on either candidate's who have completed this step, or those that haven't.
- Tribepad Video Interview Status - If you use the video interviewing platform, you can filter by candidates that have a complete or incomplete video interview on your job, or candidates that have not been invited to complete a video interview. You can then choose to include candidates with up or down votes, or include both.
- Candidate Filters - You can use the candidate filters to filter on candidate profiles you have or haven't seen or profiles that other recruiters have or haven't seen. In addition to this, you can filter on candidate type, you have the option to filter on Internal, External, Agency & Passive candidates.