View and search for job templates

Learn how to navigate the job template page.

  • Select 'Jobs' from the top navigation bar & select 'Job Templates'.

At the top left-hand side of the screen, you will see 'Visibility'

The filters allow you to view templates as follows;

  • 'All' shows all job templates that have been created.
  • 'Visible' shows all job templates that can be used to create a job.
  • 'Hidden' shows all job templates that cannot be used to create a job.

Below the visibility filters, you will see the heading 'Organisation'.

These become useful if you are a larger organisation and you are presented with multiple templates to choose from.  You can refine the number of templates that you see by using these filters.

Below the organisation filters, you will see 'Owner' select the toggle against 'Mine Only' if you only want to see job templates that you have created.

Below the owner filter, you will see 'Jobs' select the menu to search for a job that has been created using a specific job template.

The template will appear at the top right-hand side of the screen.

In the above example, you can see that 6 jobs have used the Head Office job template.

Any filters that you select will be shown at the top of the screen.

  • Select 'Clear' to remove all filters.
  • Select the 'X' to the right of the specific filter that you want to remove.

There are some actions that you can carry out from this view;

  • The green toggle shows that the job template is visible and can be selected for creating a job post.
  • The grey toggle shows that the job template isn't visible and cannot be used to create a job post.  (Useful if the template isn't yet complete).

    • Retail shows the job category where the job template sits within your organisation.
    • Jobs shows the number of jobs that have been assigned that particular job template.
    • SuperUser shows the type of user that created the job template
    • The name shows the name of the user that created the template.

    Over to the right, there are up to 3 icons that you may see.

    From left to right;

    • The first icon allows you to create a job using that particular job template.
    • The middle icon allows you to edit the job template.
    • The 3rd icon allows you to delete the job template.

    Before you edit a job template consider whether it may already be in use on a current job advert.  If it is and you want the new template to be shown on your job advert, you will need to edit the job, select the new template and republish it.

    Before deleting a job template consider whether the job template is being used for current job adverts.

    Consider cloning job templates if you need to make multiple changes, that way you'll always keep your original version.