How to add questionnaires to onboarding

Learn how to create and add questionnaires to your onboarding process.


Questionnaires can be used for all different reasons throughout the recruitment process and that includes onboarding.

Perhaps you want to create a questionnaire for a recruiter to follow to ensure that all onboarding processes are carried out prior to the candidate joining your organisation as an employee.

Or you may need to ask your candidate for next of kin information or uniform requirements.

Questionnaires are a great way to keep information stored in one place and to also ensure that your processes are streamlined and efficient.

How to create a questionnaire

The first thing you need to do is create a bank of questions.

To learn more question types and how to create them, take a look at the article below.

Once you have created your bank of questions, you can create your onboarding questionnaire.

  • Select Questionnaires from the filter menu.

  • Select the plus icon.

You will be presented with 2 options:

  1. Standard questionnaire.
  2. Branching questionnaire

To learn more about questionnaire types, take a look at the following article:

In this example, the standard questionnaire option has been selected.

You will be presented with a pop-up

  • Questionnaire Name
    Give your questionnaire a name.
  • Organisation
    If your organisation uses hierarchy you can select the relevant node/s to limit questionnaire visibility. 
  • Cascade to branch
    If you select a top-level from within your hierarchy (rather than individual levels), you can choose yes to cascade visibility of the questionnaire to all levels that fall below it. 
  • Questionnaire Description
    Provide some information about the questionnaire.
  • Applicant score threshold
    If you have added scoring criteria to your questions, you can add the threshold score here.
  • Auto shortlist above the threshold
    If you have added scoring criteria to your questions, you can add the shortlist threshold here so that candidates' will be auto processed.
  • Auto reject below the threshold
    If you have added scoring criteria to your questions, you can add the shortlist threshold here so that candidates' will be auto processed.
  • Auto reject failed killer questions
    If you have added scoring criteria to your questions, you can add the shortlist threshold here so that candidates' will be auto processed.

The next step is to start adding in your questions:

  • Select Add Questions.

You will be presented with a pop-up

  • Search field
    Type in the name of your question or some text that relates to your question so that you can quickly refine the search results.
  • Check-box
    Select the check-box to the left-hand side of the question/s that you would like to include in your questionnaire and select Insert.

The questions will appear in list format, much like the image shown below.

If you would like to break up the flow of questions, select to Insert a Page Break.

If you would like to re-order your questions select the double arrows pointing up on the top right-hand side of each question to drag and drop your question into the desired position.

Once you are happy with your questionnaire:

  • Select Finish.

At this point, you will navigate back to the questionnaire page to see it listed on the right-hand side of the page.